Be Involved
You are warmly encouraged to take an active part in the Worship and Prayer of our parish. If you would like to assist in any of the following groups, please contact the parish office 9544 1516.
Readers and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Contact the parish office 9544 1516 for information about rosters. New readers and extraordinary ministers are always welcome! All renewal evenings will take place in the Church.
Extraordinary Ministers’ Evening: To be advised
Readers’ Renewal Evening: To be advised
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick
A number of parishioners are commissioned to bring Holy Communion to the sick and housebound. To inform of someone unable to attend Mass, contact the parish office 9544 1516.
Altar Servers
Training for altar servers begins from Year 4. Servers are enrolled in the Australian Guild of St Stephen in Year 7. The Guild offers liturgical formation and social activities with other servers in the Archdiocese. Contact 9544 1516 or through the parish school. Social activities are organised for the servers throughout the year within our parish.
Choir and Church Music
The choir sings both at the 6:00pm Vigil Mass and 9:30am Sunday morning mass, together with Christmas, Holy Week and other liturgical celebrations. Rehearsals take place every Saturday at 10:00am till 12:00pm. For more information please contact: parish office 9544 1516.
Sacristan and Other Duties
Sacristan: Mr Angelo Gianotti
Altar Linen: Volunteers (see roster)
Flower Arrangers: Mrs Mary Grech
Contact the parish office 9544 1516 if you wish to become part of these ministries.
Collectors are nominated at each mass by a person in charge. Collectors are to be well known in the parish community. They are to be also recommended by the priest before they begin their ministry.
Collectors must hold a current Working with Children Check.
Counters are recommended by the parish priest / administrator and are to be well known in the parish community. Counters work in teams of two (2) and are placed on a roster. Please contact the parish office if you wish to become part of a counting team.
Counters must hold a current Working with Children Check.